Humanitarian Operations

Logistics Emergency Team

The Logistics Emergency Team (LET) is comprised of four of the largest global logistics and transport companies, and supports the United Nations World Food Programme-led Logistics Cluster. Through LET and its bilateral partnerships, Agility has responded to 80+ humanitarian crises, and supported preparedness projects in multiple countries since 2006.

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LET Disaster Response Operations

Our Approach to Disaster Response


Agility always works in partnership with humanitarian organizations, and always at their invitation.

Emergency Response

Agility donates both logistics expertise in the form of our logisticians, as well as in-kind support like transport or warehousing services for relief supplies.

Disaster Preparedness

Agility also supports disaster preparedness activities like logistics capacity assessments of major ports, airports, and roads, as well as humanitarian logistics training.

Agility's Humanitarian Partners

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Highlighted Humanitarian Projects

National Aviation Services (NAS), a leading global aviation services provider and one of Agility’s subsidiaries, donated 7,000 COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Testing (RDT) kits to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Uganda. These RDT kits will allow the MoH of Uganda’s COVID-19 National Task Force to carry out tests and get results within 15 minutes. The shipment was carried out with the support of the Group Chief Executive Officer of NAS, and the General Manager of NAS Uganda.

Humanitarian Operations

Agility Bahrain supported the country’s “Feena Khair” (There is Good in Us) campaign to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The campaign was initiated by H.H. Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa to contribute to the national efforts in combating the novel coronavirus. The funds raised will be used towards supporting the efforts of the general department of civil defense in disinfecting and sanitizing the country, purchasing handmade facial masks for the community, supporting affected families with daily meals to break their fast during Ramadan, basic household necessities, food stamps, and computers.

Humanitarian Operations

Agility moved 150,000 bars of soap across the country for a global consumer goods company that donated soap to humanitarian organizations in Indonesia, including UNICEF, as part of its COVID-19 response. Watch how our team navigated geographic complexities and lockdown measures.

Humanitarian Operations

In coordination with the Dewan Kampung Maju Jaya, a local non-profit organization in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Agility employees procured and distributed essential household items to 15 families (60 people) affected by floods. The food baskets included sugar, salt, cooking oil, canned food, rice, soap, and detergent, among other goods.

Humanitarian Operations

Agility Bangladesh volunteers participated in a Customs Workshop organized by the UN Logistics Cluster in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. This training helps humanitarians to reduce the time that humanitarian cargo is in transit, which reduces inventory requirements and operating costs, while increasing the amount of aid materials available to beneficiaries. The Agility Bangladesh team also supported the Logistics Cluster by helping them to prepare a Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA) for the country, and by working with local government, private sector and NGO stakeholders in a country-wide preparedness project to help the country prepare for future humanitarian emergencies.

Humanitarian Operations

For the second year in a row, Agility provided humanitarian fleet operations training to 25 representatives from 13 different humanitarian partners in Beirut, Lebanon. This training helps humanitarian partners better manage transportation fleets so more humanitarian cargo can be safely and more efficiently delivered to people in need. It also helps humanitarians reduce their operating costs and deliver more assistance when people most need it.

Humanitarian Operations

Agility and its portfolio company, United Projects for Aviation Services Company (UPAC), have teamed up to run a charitable meal program during Ramadan. In coordination with the Kuwait Food Bank, 17 volunteers from Agility and UPAC donated their time to help feed more than 20,000 individuals through a daily Iftar meal program and a Machla donation box distribution.

Humanitarian Operations

As part of UNHCR’s Ramadan campaign, Agility ran an internal fundraising drive. Employees in six Middle Eastern countries donated to UNHCR, ultimately supporting 14 refugee families (or approximately 70 individuals) during the Holy Month of Ramadan. The funds raised were channeled through UNHCR’s Cash Assistance program, which enables refugees to procure the food and life support essentials they need to survive. UNHCR cash assistance also contributes to the local economy and reduces refugee exploitation through forced & child labor, sex trafficking, family separation and forced marriage.

Humanitarian Operations

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