Date April 19, 2021
Company Name Agility Public Warehousing Company KSCP “Agility”
Previous Disclosure Title Agility Signs a Credit Facility Agreement
Previous Disclosure Date January 21,  2021
Development on previous disclosure Reference to our previous disclosure dated January 21, 2021, Agility would like to announce the completion of its refinancing program through agreements with lenders on three-year and five-year revolving credit lines worth $1.43 billion (around KD 425 million). The new loans comprise both syndicated and bilateral facilities — in both conventional and Islamic lending formats – involving 16 current and new local, regional and international lenders.

The purpose of those loans is to provide the company with incremental liquidity to fund the growth of its businesses.

Impact of the material information on the financial position of the company The amounts will be reflected on the Company’s financials as and when they are withdrawn.



Investor Relations Team