Dear Investor,

Kindly find below Agility’s statement to the Stock Exchange.

Date 22 February 2020
Name of the Listed Company Agility Public Warehousing Company KSCP (“Agility”)
Case No. Not available
Case Subject Defamation lawsuit that was brought by Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport Company, KGL Logistics and KGL Transportation Company KSCC against Agility
Judgment Date 21 February 2020
The Court that issued the Judgment The Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Parties of the Case 1. Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport Company, KGL Logistics and KGL Transportation Company KSCC (“KGL”) – Claimant
2. Agility Public Warehousing Company KSCP (“Agility”) – Respondent
The Judgment is in Favor of Agility
The Concluding Judgement of the Court of First Instance Summary judgment in favor of Agility affirming that letters sent by Agility to various U.S. government agencies and offices dealt with matters of public concern and contained protected political speech, and that the assertions regarding KGL’s relationship with Iranian entities were substantially true.
The Concluding Judgement of the Court of Appeal The Pennsylvania Superior Court denied KGL’s appeal, thereby upholding the ruling of the lower court.
The Concluding Judgement of the Court of Cassation The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied KGL’s appeal, thereby upholding the ruling of the Pennsylvania Superior Court and the lower court.
The potential effect of the Judgement on the company No immediate impact.



Investor Relations Team